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Picture 1. A picture of the Palace compound (the 3 buildings) taken around 1950s.

The Palace Museum, Zanzibar

Written by Riadh A. AlBusaidi, April, 2018 After the 1964 Zanzibar revolution, the Sultan’s Palace was turned into a museum. I have read articles and I have seen short ‘documentary’ films talking about the origins of this palace. I would…

Biida Clan

Sheekhal Gendershe Clan

Sheekhall Gandershe (Somali: Shiikhaal Gendershe Arabic:شيخال غاندارش) also known as Reer Aw Garweyne are a Benadiri/12 Koofi clan mainly from the southern coastal cities of; Gendershe, Marka and Mogadishu and have established communities in the hinterlands in towns such as Afgooye and the villages around it due to trading and…

Biida Clan

Sheekhaal Jaziira Clan

Sheekhaal Jaziira (Somali: Sheekhaal Jaziira, Arabic: شيخال جزيرة) also known as Shiikhaal Ba Hassan (Somali: Ba Xassan, Arabic: شيخال آل باحسن) are a Banaadiri[1] clan mainly from the southern coastal cities of; Jaziira, Jilib Marka, Marka[1] and Mogadishu and have established communities in the hinterlands in towns such as Afgooye and the…