Fasahale (Somali: Fasahaale Arabic:فصحالي) more commonly known as Kafaari are a Benadiri/12 Koofi clan mainly from the southern coastal city of Marka.[1]

The Kafaari have specialised in the manufacture of iron and have their huts-workshops to the east of the city, near the fish market. The young people of the clan prefer to become drivers or mechanics, only a few elderly people continue the art of blacksmiths.[1] According to Pantano (1910: 15) The Kafaari are a fraction of the Sa’ad (Biimaal) and have been in Marka for 250 years[2]


  1. Ahmed, Hassan. La Citta’ di Marka, I Biimaal e il Dominio Sulla Costa Somala. pp. 60–61.
  2. Pantano, Gherado. Nel Benadir la città di Merca e la regione Bimal. p. 15.
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