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Sheikh AbduAziz Al Amawi

Manuscript by Abdulaziz Al-Umawi, Judge of Zanzibar

يحوي مسائل فقهية ولمحات تاريخية –إدريس بن بابه باحامد –هو الشيخ الفقيه عبد العزيز بن عبد الغني الأموي، المعروف بقاضي زنجبار، لم أجد من كتب عنه كثيرا وفصّل في ذكر مآثره وحياته، إلا أنه اشتهر بعلمه وتمكنه في مجال القضاء…

Biida Clan

Sheekhal Gendershe Clan

Sheekhall Gandershe (Somali: Shiikhaal Gendershe Arabic:شيخال غاندارش) also known as Reer Aw Garweyne are a Benadiri/12 Koofi clan mainly from the southern coastal cities of; Gendershe, Marka and Mogadishu and have established communities in the hinterlands in towns such as Afgooye and the villages around it due to trading and…

Biida Clan

Sheekhaal Jaziira Clan

Sheekhaal Jaziira (Somali: Sheekhaal Jaziira, Arabic: شيخال جزيرة) also known as Shiikhaal Ba Hassan (Somali: Ba Xassan, Arabic: شيخال آل باحسن) are a Banaadiri[1] clan mainly from the southern coastal cities of; Jaziira, Jilib Marka, Marka[1] and Mogadishu and have established communities in the hinterlands in towns such as Afgooye and the…