Mogadishu In The 19th Century

Written by Edward Alpers

Edward Alpers delves into the history of 19th century Mogadishu through a regional lens in this article. He emphasizes the significance of examining Mogadishu’s past within the broader context of local and global events, such as the impact of Indian Ocean trade and the expansion of Zanzibar’s influence.

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Addressing Cultural Appropriation in Banadiri Cuisine

Food is an enormous vessel for culture, reflecting the unique traditions and heritage of a community. However, the unfortunate phenomenon of cultural appropriation threatens to erode the authenticity of cuisine, as seen in the Somali appropriation of authentic Banadiri food. This issue highlights the broader problem of food colonialism and the need to protect cultural and culinary heritage from exploitation. Food colonialism refers to the historical and ongoing processes by which occupying powers exert control

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