A photograph likely taken between the late 1880s and 1920s depicts a Somali men’s group known as the Majeerten Sultanate, identified by their clan or tribal name. The Majeerteen historically resided in Somalia’s northern regions of Bari, Nugal, and Mudug, with their land now forming part of Puntland State. The poetry of North Africa reflects the rich culture and heritage of Somalia.

Ethnic Somali boy and two girls. According to studies by Sanchez et al. (2005) and Cruciani et al. (2004), The research shows that Somali males are a distinct branch of the East African population, closely connected to the Oromos in Ethiopia and North Kenya. The majority of Y chromosome lineages in Somali males come from the E3b1 (now called “E1b1b1”) cluster, with about 15% originating from Eurasia and 5% from sub-Saharan Africa.

Map of the Somauli Coast Showing the Position of the Tribes. by Lieutenant C.J. Cruttenden. I.N., with additions from the Surveys of Capt. Owen, R.N. Liets, Barker, Christopher & Carless, I.N” published in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London 1849

Somalis Mens dressed in their traditional clothing 1880s-1920s. The Somali people trace their ancestry back to a common ancestor, Irir Samaale, who likely migrated from the Ethiopian highlands and belonged to the Cushitic Oromo ethnic group. The term “Somali” is believed to have originated from Samaale to Somalia, which literally means go milk.

Tharia Topan of Zanzibar, dating back to the reign of the Sultanate of Zanzibar, and most likely during the reign of Sultan Barghash bin Sa’id (1870-1888).

The Borana Bororansi dance, Somaliland – Like all savages, the Somalis are very fond of singing and dancing, and have many recognised types of songs and dances. The Borana Bororansi dance is common among the Esa or Aysa Somalis and the Gallas, who cannot, like the true Somalis, boast an Arab descent, and are consequently regarded as inferiors. But all Somalis are probably of Hamitic stock’ by Seppings Wright (1900).

The Issa is a northern Somali clan, a subdivision of the Dir clan family. The Issas live in Djibouti and in north-eastern Ethiopia. This photo was taken on documented human zoos in western Europe magic city to dreamland performed at Magic City, an amusement park near pont de l’Alma in Paris, France in 1913-1914 .