Banadiri: The Renewal of a Millenary Identity

Written by Irena Knehtl

The first Banaadiri communities were established in what is today southern Somalia about one thousand year ago. Banaadiri historical profile started probably in the Mesopotamia, crossed Yemen and reached the East coast of Africa where the Banaadiri civilization grew and flourished. Profile and book review.

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Banadir’s Monuments Didn’t Just Fade– They Were Destroyed

In Banaadir, unfortunately, the destruction perpetrated on the ancient ruins, both by Somali from other regions and importantly colonial Italian government has denied history the possibility of reconstructing its past. They say that those who want to conceal the tracks of history are always dissident; destroyers of buildings, monuments and books. In fact at Mogadishu, it was the colonial government, at the ruins of Hamar Jab Jab to build an airstrip in 1920. In the

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